Monday, 6 February 2012

Pre-Production Planning

The film is going to start with an antagonist cutting up letters from newspaper/magazine. This then cross cuts to an establishing shot to the location. There will be a man on the cliff holding a red balloon which we do not see his identity. The opening sequence will end suggesting he has jumped off the cliff and the antagonist posting the letter through a post box with the address of a police station. The rest of the film will be based in the police officers point of view of the story, trying to solve if it was murder or suicide.

List of Roles
Director - Maddy Spencer
Lighting & Sound - Matt Fawdrey & Tom Barrow
Editing - All Of Us

Matt Fawdrey - Antagonist
Tom Barrow - Protagonist 

Props & Costume
Red Balloon with String
Suit and Tie
Trench Coat

Beachy Head - We chose this as a location due to the abnormality of the location and this will be a memorable due to it being unique, this was used to it being referred to again throughout the film. Aslong as we obtain the establishing shot of Beachy head we can film some of the shots such as the baloon related ones in much less dangerous locations as the illusion shall be that it is at beachy head, this will be very helpfull when it comes to health and safety.

Matt's Office, Plumpton Green (see post above for image)
 During the scene of cutting up of the letters the location isnt neccesarily important as it is mainly extreme close ups, however we will need to perfect the lighting in this scene to effectively set the mood of the piece.


The filming of the man cutting up the newspaper cuttings is undecided, this will either be in Tom's garage or Matt's office. This location shall not matter too much due to the shots mostly being close ups which are heavily focused on objects, meaning the viewer shall not pay too much attention to the surroundings.

We are not going to have any dialogue in this opening sequence because this gives a great effect on raising questions, which a thriller aims to do. We are going to use Sound Effects and Sound Tracks from both diegetic and non-diegetic positions


  1. Synopsis sounds great. Cliffs ???????????? I obviously get jumpy about this. Do not put yourself in danger and remember that you can do this through clever use of editing and camera angle to give the illusion of a sheer cliff face without it actually being so. Risk assessment an absolute necessity - OK!!!

    Shots of a red balloon disappearing up into the sky could be good - get hold of lots of balloons for this as you will have to take a number of shots -could be effective.

    Beechy head is a well known location for suicides - are you aware of this?. You could find a sign and use this for an establishing shot - nationally, people are aware of beechy Head. However, do not go anywhere near the edge - its dangerous and b) if someone sees you, they may well jump to conclusions. Therefore essential that this is achieved through illusion!!!!!! IS THAT FULLY UNDERSToOD?

    Lighting should be important in the cutting up gf the letters to create mood.

    This is a start but lacks a little detail overall and isn't level 4 as yet. More links and you could link to similar scenes in other films or dramas and embed this. experiment with some of the shots lime the cutting up of the newspaper and use of lighting - what interesting effects can you create and post these as little videos, together with experimentation into use of ECU for these shots. Experiment, post, learn and APPLY

    You need full risk assesssment/location surveys too and your animatic needs to be completed..

  2. Ammended by Matt, the safety of the filming was taken into account in the new health and safety post.
