Monday, 20 February 2012

Health and Safety

Due to the lengh of the drive and health and safety issues of filming at beachy head we decided to change our location to the Sussex Downs.

During the filming of our piece we shall have to make many health and safety risks into account and must not endanger ourselves with substantial risks. Here is a list of the main risks involved with our filming and how the risks can be minimalised.
  • Driving to Beachy Head. Maddie shall be driving our group up to beachy head where we shall film the majority of our filming, there are the usual risks with driving here such as crashing and adverse weather conditions. This is aplified by the fact we are driving along a coastal road and a motorway to get there. This risk is reduced as Maddie has a full UK drivers license and is in a fully insured car, showing she is a capable driver.
  • Filming on Beachy Head. Due to filming near a cliff edge with high drops and unsolid ground we will have to take extreme care as to where we film. The risk here is proberly the largest risk involved in our filming, however it can be reduced by filming when it isn't windy with good weather conditions, we shall also have to stay away from cliff edges. We could further reduce the risk involved with being near a cliff by using illusions to give the same effect of us being on a cliff, by example by using a different piece of land entirely to film the shot on, aslong as we establish the scene as being on Beachy Head this shall be no issue.
  • The baloon shot on Beachy Head. The baloon will be filled with helium so that it floats in the air for one shot. We must take care with the baloon as for example if it popped it could cause slight injury or alarm someone else causing them to trip or a dog to run away for example. This is a neccesary risk and cannot be avoided, we must take care to leave the baloon away from sharp objects and bring a replacement.
  • The camera/bipod. We will obviously be filming with a camera and bipod, the person doing this will have to remain aware of their surroundings especially on beachy head and take care not to trip up. The bipod must also be places on stable ground and away from the clidd edges.
  • Filming in Matt's Study. This is just one scene involved in a study, (see image in post below) here there are minimal health and safety risks apart from the room being small itself so we must take care not to overcrowd the room as this may result in accidents.
  • Lighting equipment. During all of our filming we shall be using lighting equipment which can be very bright on full settings. We must take care not to shine this in the direction of roads as it could cause accidents, we must also try and make sure we dont shine it in anyone eyes, the risks however are greatly reduced if we do not do the above practices.
  • Filming in the car. We may end up doing a establishing shot filmed from within a moving car, during this take we must take great care as this could be a potential health hazard to us and other drivers. To avoid this risk we must perform the filming only when the road is empty and we must not lean out of the car under any cercumstances.
  • Lastly we also have to take into account the publics perception of what we are doing seeing as Beachy Head is a renowned suicide spot, and we shall be filming there. This can be done by wearing high visibility jackets for example or putting up a sign. We do not want the general public to phone the police about potential suicides!

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