After filming, we had to go edit our shots. To do this we had to use the Apple Macs because they had Final Cut Pro, which is a good program to use for editing. Once we had uploaded all the clips onto the program we could then choose the shots we wanted and delete the rest. Then we had to cut some of the shots to make them the length we wanted and because we wanted it to be in black and white, we had to add that effect.
Then we had to choose how we were going to join all the edits together. We decided to go with fade to blacks and cuts.
We then had to put the movie into a program Garage Band to get some sound effects and a sound track. Because we had the character knocking a door, opening a door and closing, we had to make the sound effects come in at the perfect time. We also had a cat in the scene so we had to add a cat purr into it as well. For the sound track we decided to go with something dark, creepy and mysterious. Once all the sound had been added we had finally finished everything.
A start, however far too brief really. For the thriller work this will need to be a lot more thorough. Editing involves lots of decision making and the trick is to blog this. You might consider audience feedback for instance on two edited sequences of the same footage?