Monday, 16 January 2012

Final Movie!!!!

This is our final movie that we are very please with and happy with the out come, Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Nice use of tilt and dissolve initially
    Good close up work and OTS shots.
    Personally don’t like the wipe but OK in this context – guess it resembles a clock and passing time?
    Good Match on action through the door.
    Fantastic effort in getting the Dr No costume and an unbelievable role by Mr paul!
    Your shot reverse shot is successful – maybe some of the framing here could have been tighter, on a few shots you get perhaps too much of my messy office background in the shot which distracts.
    An excellent ending and good use of colour. Lovely ending shot with tom dead on the floor.

    Overall, a lot of work her. Great variety of camerawork, imaginative use of Mise en scene, and sound. As for editing, you fulfil all the criteria and show yourselves as very competent editors and overall , film makers. Well done and I look forward to your Thriller work. Level 4
